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Rockwood Summit High

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Article I: NAME

The name of this organization is the Rockwood Summit High School Parents Staff Organization of the Rockwood School District (hereinafter RSHS PSO). It is a local independent unit created by the parents and staff of Rockwood Summit High School, having no affiliation with any other association, be it state or national in origin.


The Organization exists as an unincorporated association of its members. The Organization's Articles of Organization consist of these Bylaws, as amended from time to time, and its Articles of Association, if any. In the absence of separated articles of association, the Bylaws shall be deemed to be the Articles of Association. In the event of any conflict between these Bylaws and the Articles of Association, these Bylaws shall govern.


This Organization is organized exclusively for the following charitable, educational, scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3).

To promote the welfare and education of children and youth eligible to attend the Rockwood School District and RSHS in the home, school, and community.

To support the school in improving education in ways that will adhere to administrative policy and the Rockwood School District's mission, goals and beliefs.

To raise funds for programs and equipment that would assist in the education and health of children and youth.

To bring about a closer relationship between the home and school, that parents and teachers may work cooperatively in the education of children and youth.

To foster communication, cooperation, support, information, and education within the Rockwood School District, including District staff, parents, and the general community.


Section 1

No substantial part of the activities of the organization will be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization will not participate in or intervene (including the publishing or distribution of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

Section 2

This Organization shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, and non-partisan. No commercial enterprise or candidate shall be endorsed by it. The name of the Organization and names of its officers in their official capacities shall not be used in connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest for any purpose than the regular work of the Organization.

Section 3

This Organization shall not seek to direct the administrative activities of the school or to control its policies, but can serve as a liaison between parents and administration when concerns arise.

Section 4

The Organization shall be supportive of school educational efforts and student needs. The policies of the Organization shall be developed corporately by parents and teachers. The Organization shall conduct all operations in such a way as to reflect positively upon the school and the Rockwood School District.

Section 5

In no way shall one member, officer, or committee chairperson make policy, program, or expenditure decisions, or bind the Organization in any way, absent the consent of at least the Executive Board.. When representing the Organization, any member, officer, or committee chairperson shall be aware of the authority extended by the Organization and shall not exceed such authority.

Section 6

This Organization may cooperate with other organizations and agencies active child welfare, such as conference groups or coordination councils, provided they make no commitments that bind the Organization.

Section 7

The Organization shall act in accordance with all Rockwood School District Board of Education Policies and Regulations, which are incorporated herein by reference, including but not limited to Policies 2950 and 3370 and Regulations 2950 and 3370 pertaining to fund-raising activities. No fund-raising activity of the Organization shall financially benefit a PTO member.

Section 8

No part of the net earnings of this Organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, trustees, officers or other private persons except that the Organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered. Services provided by members and officers are voluntary and will not be compensated, unless specifically authorized by the Executive Board prior to completion of such services.

Section 9

Any notice required or permitted to be given to members may be given by written notice (including distribution of flyers and posting notices through the school), by telephone, by facsimile, by electronic mail, or by any combination thereof, or by any other method reasonably designed to reach the members.

Section 10

Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the Organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on: (a) by an Association exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law); or (b) by an Association, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).

Section 11

Upon dissolution of the Organization, the Organization shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the Organization, dispose of all the assets of the Organization by distributing the same to the Principal of Rockwood Summit High School. Said Principal shall, upon the advice of the RSHS School teachers and administration, supervise the expenditure of said assets for essential educational materials and equipment. In the event that this is not possible, said assets shall be distributed to organizations as shall at the time qualify under

Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Organization's Executive Board shall determine, with preference to be given to educational programs of the Rockwood School District. Any assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court in the county of the principal office of the Organization.


Section 1

Any parent or guardian of a student of Rockwood Summit High School and any teacher or staff member interested in the objectives of the Organization and willing to uphold its policies and subscribe to its Bylaws may become a member. Teachers, staff members and parents are not required to pay membership dues. Membership in the Organization shall be available without regard to race, color, creed, or national origin.

Section 2

The privileges of membership shall be the right to hold office or appointed position, make motions, chair a committee, vote, or perform other duties designated by the executive board. All members are invited to attend general board meetings.

ARTICLE VI: EXECUTIVE BOARD (which includes all Officers of the Organization)

Section 1

The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the Organization, the Principal of the School or his or her designated representative and the staff liaison. Chairpersons of standing committees and active special committees may be invited to attend Executive Board Meetings that pertain to their committee.

Section 2

The Executive Board shall have general charge and control of the affairs, funds, and properties of the Organization and shall maintain records of such in a central location, including current and prior budgets, check registers, governmental forms, committee reports, contracts and correspondence.

Section 3

The duties of the Executive Board shall be as follows: to transact necessary business in the intervals between Organization meetings; to approve chairpersons of standing committees and approve the plans of the standing committees; to interpret the bylaws, policies, and standing rules of the Organization; to present a report at board meetings of the Organization; to call executive meetings when deemed necessary; to prepare a budget for the upcoming fiscal year; to approve routine bills within the limits of the budget; to appoint a nominating committee as needed; to appoint a committee to review Bylaws as needed; to appoint committees of not less than two members when necessary, or an independent auditor or CPA, at least two weeks before the Annual Budget Meeting to audit the treasurer's accounts; and to make budget adjustments as necessary.

Section 4

Every member of the Executive Board shall be entitled to one vote.

Section 5

Each standing committee chairperson shall present the committee's plans to the Board prior to execution of the same. Any additional non-budgeted expenditure for such plans should be presented to the Executive Board for advance approval.

Section 6

Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held during the school year, as stated in the Standing Rules. The time, place and regularity of such meetings are to be fixed by the Executive Board at its first meeting of the year.

Section 7

Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President, the Principal, or by a majority of the members of the Executive Board upon at least two days notice.

Section 8

All officers are required to attempt to attend all scheduled Organization meetings and are expected to attend as many Organization-sponsored events as possible.

Section 9

When deemed necessary, officers shall be assigned to serve as a liaison and shall provide assistance to the identified standing or special committee chairs.

Section 10

A quorum of the members of the Executive Board must be present at all meetings See Article XI, Section 2for the definition of quorum adopted by the board.


Section 1

The officers of this Organization shall include, at a minimum, a President, a Co-President or President-Elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Two persons, so designated by the prefix "co", may hold any office. If the Executive Board includes a President-Elect, the prior President-Elect shall fill the office of President. The officers shall be elected annually by ballot with majority vote of the executive board; ballots shall be counted by three board members (one to be a school representative).

If there is but one candidate for any office, the election for such office(s) may be by voice, show of hands or slate approval. At present the Executive Board includes the officers of the organization; the officers may include the following positions

  1. President and the President-Elect if applicable
  2. Communications Coordinator
  3. School Events Coordinator
  4. School Support Coordinator
  5. Concession Stand Coordinator
  6. School Store Coordinator
  7. Fundraising Coordinator
  8. Secretary
  9. Treasurer
  10. Assistant Treasurer
  11. Grade Representatives: 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th
  12. Past President
  13. Principal
  14. Staff liaisons(s)

Section 2

Officers shall assume their official duties the day after the final day for students in order to allow for school and Organization business to be completed for the year. They shall serve for a term of two years or until the successors are elected and installed. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office; President and Treasurer shall not serve more than three consecutive years unless determined by vote and majority approval of the Executive Board and/or general membership. Additional officers will be chosen according to the needs of the Organization and upon the approval of the Executive Board. Grade representatives shall serve a term of four years.


Section 1

The President (or Co-Presidents) shall:

  • Preside at all meetings of the Organization and of the Executive Board
  • Be a member ex officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee
  • Be authorized to appoint any special committee necessary to conduct the work required for the annual report
  • Maintain the right to table discussions or voting, at his/her discretion, for such reasons as new agenda items, time constraints, or items that require additional information
  • Prepare the agenda for each meeting
  • Be an authorized cosignatory for all accounts of the Organization
  • Work with the principal on designated duties and tasks
  • Attend (or select representative) District-wide meetings, such as the Presidents' Forum
  • Attend (or select representative) Rockwood Presidents' Forum Leadership Conference
  • Delegate the duties of any position that remains vacant; and
  • Perform all other duties usually pertaining to the office.
  • Maintain timeline of the position

Section 2

The President-Elect, if any, shall:

  • Attend board meetings
  • Attend District-wide meetings, such as the Presidents' Forum;
  • Be an authorized cosignatory for all accounts of the Organization;
  • Attend Rockwood Presidents' Forum Leadership Conference;
  • Be responsible for communication with the committees and review meeting minutes from committees;
  • Work with the Communications Coordinator to facilitate the information for school communication and the Website;
  • Perform other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Organization or Executive Board;
  • Assist the President and perform such duties that the President may delegate; and perform the duties of the President in the President's absence
  • Maintain timeline of the position

Section 3

The Fundraising Coordinator shall:

  • Oversee fundraising activities associated with the Board.
  • Be responsible for directly overseeing Coffee Corner and School Store Coordinators.
  • Maintain position timeline;
  • Attend monthly board meeting

Section 4

The Communication Coordinator shall:

  • Work with the President and/or President-Elect to perform correspondence of the organization
  • In collaboration with the Presidents, maintain contact with Rockwood's Communication Department; local news media, and the Rockwood Fenton Quadrant
  • Oversee the maintenance of the PSO website; coordinates this activity with the district webmaster
  • Oversees the PSO membership list
  • Coordinate email correspondence to the PSO membership;
  • Perform the duties of the Secretary or Secretaries in their absence.

Section 5

The School Events Coordinator shall:

  • Coordinate and be liaison for school wide events
  • Serve as a liaison between school personnel and chairs of the events, which include, but are limited to: Teachers Conference Dinners, Faculty Staff Appreciation, etc.
  • Report the status of these events regularly to the Board

Section 6

The School Support Coordinator shall:

  • Coordinate the parent representatives for many of the school committees including but not limited to; Renaissance, Beautification, and Scholarship
  • Collect information for and distribute the Buzz book
  • Report the status of all the committees to the Board regularly; and
  • Perform such other duties as may be delegated.

Section 7

The Secretary (or Secretaries) shall:

  • Record the minutes of all meetings of the Organization and of the Executive Board, including collecting names of all attendees. Submit these minutes to the board within 7 days for review and approval
  • Once minutes are approved submit to Communications Coordinator for website posting.
  • Make copies of the minutes of the prior meeting available to all members of the Executive Board before each meeting
  • Maintain a current copy of the Bylaws and Standing Rules, if any, as well as the records of all meeting minutes, a list of all committees and their members
  • Report on all relevant correspondence at each Executive Board meeting;
  • Complete e-mail list for members on organizational chart
  • Keep record of all minutes on a designated form of media.
  • Receive and electronically file notes/minutes from all Grade Level Meetings
  • Aide the President(s) and President-Elect; performs duties as designated;
  • Maintain position timeline;
  • Attend monthly board meeting

Section 5

The Treasurer(s) shall:

  • Receive all monies and maintain all financial records of the Organization;
  • Keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and disburse funds as budgeted or approved by the Executive Board
  • Be responsible for the maintenance of the bank account and records of the Organization
  • Be responsible for the filing of any necessary financial and tax forms with the appropriate governmental authorities
  • Comply with the statutory requirements and Rockwood School District Board of Education Policies and Regulations, including those provided in the Student Activity Funds Procedures Manual established by the Rockwood School District Board of Education
  • Turn the financial books of the Organization over to an Audit Committee of not less than two members or an independent auditor appointed by the Executive Board at the end of the school year for examination
  • Present a statement of account at every meeting of the Organization and any other times as requested by the Executive Board
  • Maintain a file of the budget reports presented at Organization meetings.
  • Aide the President(s) and President-Elect; performs duties as designated
  • Maintain position timeline
  • Attend monthly board meeting

Section 8

The Treasurer's accounts shall be examined annually by an Audit Committee of not less than two members or an independent auditor appointed by the Executive Board no later than July 10 of every year. When the Audit Committee or auditor is satisfied that the Treasurer's final report is correct, they shall sign a statement of that fact at the end of the report.

Section 9

A check will be considered valid with one authorized signature if that signature is not the individual charged with receiving the bank statements and reconciling the accounts.

Section 10

All Executive Board Officers shall be bonded annually.

Section 11

The Concessions Coordinator shall:

  • Train parents seasonally on appliance usage (as needed)
  • Coordinate the volunteers and both concession stands with the Class Reps during home varsity and f/jv football games.
  • Help coordinate volunteers for extra events that use the concessions stand, including but not limited to: Elementary Track Meet, Cory Siebert Invitational, district and playoff games.

Section 12

The Grade Representatives shall:

  • Coordinate class fundraising activities and report their status to the Board;
  • Send committee minutes and reports to the Secretary, President-Elect if any, Communications Coordinator
  • Be responsible for sending grade level updates to parents in their respective grades
  • Aide the President(s) and President-Elect; performs duties as designated
  • Maintain position timeline
  • Attend monthly board meeting
  1. The 12th Grade Rep will report activities of the Senior Class and Senior Slam to the Board.
  2. The 11th Grade Rep will report activities of the Junior Class.
  3. The 10th Grade Rep will report activities of the Sophomore Class.
  4. The 9th Grade Rep will report activities of the Freshman Class.

Section 13

The Past President (if applicable) shall be a member of the PSO Board to give historical reference to the other Board members.

Section 14

All officers shall perform the duties outlined in these Bylaws and those assigned from time to time. Failure to assume these responsibilities may result in removal as provided herein.

Section 15

Upon the removal or resignation of any officer, such officer shall turn over to the President or Executive Board, without delay, all records, books, and other materials pertaining to the office, and shall return to the Treasurer or the Executive Board, without delay, all funds pertaining to the office. Furthermore, upon expiration of their terms, all officers shall deliver all official materials related to their office to their successors.


Section 1

Standing committees are committees with on-going functions that continue throughout the year. The chairperson of each committee shall serve for a one year term.

The incoming President, with the approval of the incoming Executive Board, shall appoint chairpersons of the standing committees after the spring election. Standing Committees for PSO may include the following.

  • Membership
  • Donation
  • Concession Stand
  • School Store
  • Faculty/Staff Appreciation
  • Scholarship
  • Renaissance
  • Grade Level Committee

Section 2

The chairpersons of all standing committees shall mutually plan activities with the Executive Board, and no committee work shall be undertaken without the approval of the Executive Board.

Section 3

The Executive Board may create special committees as needed to promote the purposes and interests of the Organization. Special committees are directly responsible to the Executive Board. Special committees shall be automatically dissolved upon completion of its assignment or upon decision by the Executive Board.

Section 4

An individual may serve unlimited terms as a committee chairperson, if appointed year to year.


Section 1

The Executive Board shall see that a budget shall be presented to the Organization for approval. At that time, additional funds from the previous or current year are also allocated. The Board has authority to make budget adjustments during the year, provided they do not individually exceed $5,000.00; the Board shall have no power to make the Organization liable for any debt(s) in an amount exceeding the cash assets of the Organization which have not been otherwise appropriated.

Section 2

Each committee chairperson has access to the budgeted funds for his/her committee during the current school year only. The Treasurer will disburse these funds provided the expense falls within the committee's budget and is substantiated by a purchase order or receipt.

Section 3

Any expenditure that requires carry-over or any anticipated expenditure occurring before the next year's budget is approved may be approved at the last meeting of the year.


Section 1

There shall attempts to include the general membership to meetings of the Organization, scheduled prior to the beginning of the school year. A regular meeting schedule may be established in the Standing Rules of the Organization. Special meetings of the general membership may be called by the President, Principal or by a majority vote of the Executive Board, five days' notice having been given. Members shall be notified no later than five days in advance of the date of any rescheduled general membership meeting.

Section 2

Voting, during a meeting, requires a quorum. A quorum is defined as a majority of the Board members, in the case of an even number of board members, a majority of members is defined as a half of the members plus one. When changing or amending the Organization's Bylaws, a two-thirds majority vote of members present must prevail. The proposed Bylaws should be available for view by all members through the PSO website. Electronic voting may occur as needed within the designated timeframe as specified and pass with a majority plus one of the Executive Board members.


Section 1

Robert's Rules of Order (current edition) shall govern this Organization in all

cases to which they are applicable and not in conflict with these Bylaws.


Section 1

These Bylaws may be amended at any membership meeting of the Organization by two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment is given at the previous executive board meeting.

Section 2

A committee may be appointed to review the Bylaws, as revised and amended, every two year(s). The committee shall draft any proposed amendments for presentation to the executive board as provided for in Section 1 of this Article.


The Executive Board may maintain a list of Standing Rules to serve as a further operating guide for the Organization. These Standing Rules should be revised yearly to reflect the procedures of the current Executive Board.

Revised: RSHS PSO June 2017

2023-2024 PSO Standing Rules