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Rockwood Summit High

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Snack Shack

Volunteers are needed for the PSO Snack Shack!

The Snack Shack Hours: Monday -Friday  7:30 am to 8:15 am and Lunch Periods

No Snack Shack before school on Late Start Mondays

We sell coffee, sports drinks, lemonade, and waters and a variety of approved snacks, (chips, granola bars, fruit snacks, gum, mints etc).

The cost of items is $.25 to $2.00

We also have $10 prepaid card so students don't have to worry about having cash with them.

It's a great way to spend time at your child's school and see kids interacting. 


  • sign up for shifts you want
  • see kids interacting as humans
  • volunteer with a friend or solo
  • all proceeds go to PSO
  • complimentary cup o'Joe when you volunteer

Join Us

Summit Commons, before school or during lunch 

Megan Stratton 314-303-9829