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A+ and Testing

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Your A+ and Testing Coordinator

Jennifer Kottmann

Aplus Coordinator
It is highly recommended for students to enroll in A+ and have a plan to meet all requirements in place by September 30th of Senior Year.
The final deadline for students to enroll in the A+ program is by January 31st of Senior Year. *Early graduates need to enroll, communicate with the A+ Coordinator and complete all requirements no later than their last day of high school attendance. 

Use the form below to enroll in the A+ Program.

Important Links to Online Forms

A+ Enrollment Form

A+ Tutoring Hours Log Form

What is the A+ Program? 

The Missouri A+ Program provides incentives for local high schools to raise academic expectations, reduce their dropout rate, and provide better career pathways to students. Administration of the scholarships of the A+ Program is coordinated through the Missouri Department of Higher Education. Additional details can be found by visiting the Missouri Department of Higher Education website.

Students who graduate from an A+ designated high school may qualify for a state-paid financial incentive to attend a public community college or public career or technical school in Missouri while completing an Associate's degree or other 2-year program. 

Becoming A+ Eligible

  • Complete the A+ Online Enrollment Form. Seniors MUST be enrolled in the program no later than January 31st of their Senior year.
  • Review the A+ requirements, policies, and procedures outlined on this page
  • Once we have processed your online enrollment, you will receive a confirmation email
  • Freshmen, Sophomores, & Juniors:
    • Make sure you are on track to complete the A+ requirements by graduation.
    • Complete 50 hours of tutoring/mentoring - Tutoring Opportunities & Info:
      • Plan to enroll in the Cadet Teacher or PE Mentor course (grades 11-12) to complete your 50 hours in one semester; 
      • OR create your own plan to complete your unpaid tutoring/mentoring hours within Rockwood. Email the A+ Coordinator for approval.
      • If needed, appointments with the A+ Coordinator may be scheduled through the Counseling Office.
  • Seniors:
    • Make sure you are on track to complete the A+ requirements by graduation.
    • Email or meet with the A+ Coordinator by the end of first quarter of senior year if you do not have a plan in place to complete 50 hours of tutoring/mentoring. 
  • Early Graduates planning to use A+:

A+ Eligibility Criteria

  • Track your A+ progress in Infinite Campus (Login to student or parent portal - Click 'Menu' - 'More' - 'A Plus')
  • Complete the A+ Online Enrollment form prior to the deadline for seniors
  • Graduate from and attend an A+ designated high school for two years prior to graduation
  • Graduate with an unweighted, unrounded GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Maintain at least a 95% cumulative attendance record in grades 9-12 (more info on reviewable exceptions below)
  • Achieve the math proficiency requirement with a score of advanced or proficient on the Algebra 1 End of Course Exam; OR qualifying ACT or PreACT score with sliding GPA combination. See below for chart with the sliding scale combo.
  • Perform 50 hours of unpaid tutoring and/or mentoring with Rockwood students under Rockwood staff supervision (one semester of the Cadet Teaching or PE Mentor course, or self-arranged opportunity approved by coordinator).
  • Have five or fewer days of school suspension while in high school and maintain a record of good citizenship
  • Make a good faith effort to apply for non-payback financial aid by completing FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

The A+ Program is a student-driven program.


Sliding Scale for A+ Math Proficiency Requirement

ACT or PreACT Math Score Final Cum GPA    
17 or greater 2.5 or greater
16 2.8 or greater
15 3.0 or greater


A+ Attendance Information

All absences (excused and unexcused) count toward a student’s attendance percentage.

Some absences may be eligible for review (see most common examples below).

In some cases it is possible to verify a reviewable absence with documentation already on file at school.

In other cases, documentation may be requested to verify the reviewable absence. Documentation may be accepted at any time, but attendance will not be officially adjusted in IC until final A+ verification at the end of senior year. 

Examples of Reviewable Absences:

  • COVID-related absences
  • Illness or Injury under the care of a doctor
  • Chronic health condition under the care of a doctor
  • Funeral or death in family
  • Religious observance
  • College visit
  • Court appearance
  • Personal or Family Calamity

Attendance reviews will NOT be granted for the following:

  • Vacation
  • Personal travel for nonschool club sports or activities
  • Routine doctor or dental check-up visits (including ortho)
  • Private transportation problems
  • Truancy or suspension


How A+ Eligible Graduates access funds:

  • Colleges will be looking for your FINAL Transcript with your graduation date and the A+ Eligible stamp--this is how they verify eligibility
  • Once the college verifies A+ eligibility, they apply the funds to the student's account
  • From that point forward, the student will work with the financial aid office at the college. More info at the following links: 


A+ Scholarships at Four-Year Missouri Universities