AP Advanced Placement Exams
Advanced Placement (AP)
High school students across the country and around the world take AP courses and exams to challenge themselves, explore their interests, and earn college credit and placement. AP gives students a taste of college-level work while developing the academic skills needed for college success. Many students' AP exam scores allow them to earn college credit before they ever step on campus, and many are able to skip introductory college courses. "AP" on a high school transcript shows colleges that a student has tackled college-level work.
Students who are enrolled in Advanced Placement courses have the opportunity each May to take the Advanced Placement exam offered for the course. The main reason to take an AP exam is to demonstrate mastery of rigorous college-level material. And, by scoring a passing grade on an AP exam (3 or above), you can earn college credit and/or placement at the majority of colleges and universities in the US.
AP CREDIT POLICY: To research the AP Credit/Placement Policy for nearly any college in the country, visit www.collegeboard.com/ap/creditpolicy
*Precalculus is not offered as an AP course in Rockwood, but students have the option to take the AP Precalculus exam. Read here for more information about Precalculus and AP.
AP Exam Registration Info (Fall 2024):
REGISTRATION & FEES: Registration and payment for AP Exams will be open October 1 - November 3, 2024. Please see the instructions below for how to register and pay online for AP Exams. The fee for each exam is $110.
LATE REGISTRATION & FEES: For students who do not register by November 3rd, registration will remain open with a $40 College Board nonrefundable late fee per exam. Late registration will close on March 7, 2025 and no exams can be added after this date.
FEE WAIVER FOR FREE/REDUCED MEALS: Students who receive Free/Reduced meals at school are eligible for a full waiver and will be charged $0 for AP exams. The online exam registration is still required so the correct exam is ordered. There will be an option to indicate Free/Reduced meals status instead of payment, and it will be verified by a school official. Click HERE to Apply for Free/Reduced Meals if you think you may qualify and need to apply for the 24-25 school year.
*If you do not qualify for Free/Reduced meals, but are experiencing a financial hardship and need assistance to meet your AP Exam fees, contact kottmannjennifer@rsdmo.org no later than October 28, 2024.
ACCOMMODATIONS: If you have an IEP or 504 plan and wish to apply for testing accommodations, complete this Consent Form and return it to kottmannjennifer@rsdmo.org by November 3, 2024. This needs to be done only once in high school for all AP exams. An IEP or 504 plan does not automatically guarantee testing accommodations for AP exams. All testing accommodations must be approved by College Board.
- Create a TR account OR login to existing TR account if you have previously taken an AP exam or the PSAT at RSHS
- Complete all information accurately *Some courses have two exams, similar names, etc. - be sure to select the correct exam(s)
- Pay online with debit or credit card
- Even if you qualify for a fee waiver you must complete the online registration process and indicate "Fee Waiver" instead of payment to ensure the proper exam(s) is ordered
- Click here for Instructions to Join AP Class *Most students joined their AP class(es) the first week of school in class with their AP Teacher
- Join codes are available from your AP teacher
- The AP Coordinator will change your exam option to "Yes" once you have paid for your exam in Total Registration and joined the course in AP Classroom (allow a few days for this to be updated)
- Keep your account login information for future reference
- Click here for Instructions to Join AP Class *Most students joined their AP class(es) the first week of school in class with their AP Teacher
Beginning in 2025, exams will be offered in the following formats:
- Fully Digital - all sections of exam will be administered online
- Hybrid Digital - multiple choice section online; free response answers in paper booklet
- Paper Exam with audio/recording component (World Language, Music Exams)
- Digital Portfolio (Art)
Date |
8:00 a.m. Start |
12:00 p.m. Start |
Mon, May 5 |
Biology (digital-hybrid) |
European History (digital) Microeconomics (digital-hybrid) |
Tue, May 6 |
Chemistry (digital-hybrid) Human Geography (digital) |
US Government & Politics (digital) |
Wed, May 7 |
English Literature & Comp (digital)
Comparative Government & Politics (digital) |
Thu, May 8 |
Statistics (digital-hybrid)
World History (digital) |
Fri, May 9 |
- |
Macroeconomics (digital-hybrid) Art 2-D, 3-D, Drawing (Portfolio submission deadline) |
Mon, May 12 |
Calculus AB (digital-hybrid) Calculus BC (digital-hybrid) |
Music Theory (paper w audio) |
Tue, May 13 |
French Language (paper w audio) Precalculus (digital-hybrid) |
Environmental Science (digital) Physics 2 (digital-hybrid) |
Wed, May 14 |
English Language & Comp (digital) German Language (paper w audio) |
Physics C: Mechanics (digital-hybrid) |
Thu, May 15 |
Spanish Language (paper w audio) |
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism (digital-hybrid) |
Fri, May 16 |
Physics 1 (digital-hybrid)
Psychology (digital) |
Students Testing with Accommodations
- Students who have been approved by College Board to test with accommodations will receive a separate email with test room location, timing details and other information
Arrival Times
- Students need to arrive at testing location 20 minutes prior to exam’s start time
- Students who arrive late run the risk of not being admitted into the testing room and unable to take the exam
- Exams will promptly begin at scheduled start times
- Morning exams: arrive at 7:40 a.m.
- Afternoon exams: arrive at 11:40 a.m. (check-in and start time may be slightly delayed if morning exam in same room is not finished)
- You will be excused from classes during the time you are taking an AP exam, however you are expected to be in attendance in your classes before you leave to take a test or when you return from taking an exam. Your AP teacher will share specifics with you about lunch, etc.
- Exams scheduled to begin at noon may not conclude by afternoon dismissal time. Students taking an exam will be dismissed once the exam ends and all testing materials have been collected and counted, which could be anytime between 3:17 - 4:30 p.m.
- Per College Board policy, individual students may not be dismissed from the exam, even if they finish early. Most exams last approximately 4 hours.
Bring the following items to the exam
- Several sharpened #2 pencils (with erasers) for all multiple-choice answer sheets (no mechanical pencils)
- A snack and drink - to be consumed outside the test room during the break ONLY
- Dress in layers. The room temperature varies by location and personal comfort. Bring a jacket or sweatshirt.
- A ruler or straightedge, if you are taking an AP Physics exam
- A calculator if taking an AP math or science exam AP Exam Calculator Policy You may bring up to two calculators, in case one malfunctions.
- A watch that does not beep or makes noise (to keep track of remaining time)
- Pens with blue or black ink
Items NOT to bring to the exam
- Cell phones, smart watches, earbuds (including wireless) or other electronic devices. Cell phones and smart watches must be turned over to proctor(s) when brought to the testing room. (This is College Board’s requirement)
- Clothing with subject-related information
- Ear plugs
- Watches that beep or have an alarm
- Scratch paper (notes can be made on portions of the exam booklets)
- Rulers or straightedges (except as noted above)
- Books, compasses, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters or notes
AP Terms and Conditions:
- It’s important for students and parents to understand the College Board’s rules and policies related to taking AP Exams. These terms and conditions are outlined HERE. Students will be asked to verify they have read and understand the terms prior to testing.
- Please follow the directions of your exam proctor(s) at all times. Failure to do so, can result in dismissal and cancellation of your exam score.
- When taking an AP exam, students are agreeing to follow rules and policies set forth by College Board
Preparing for AP Exams
- Your AP Teacher will thoroughly review content and exam format with students prior to exam day through AP Classroom at myap.collegeboard.org and/or a variety of resources.
- AP Classroom & Videos resources are available to help you review and prepare for exams youtube.com/advancedplacement
AP Exams with Listening and Recording (Spanish, French, Music Theory)
- The listening portion of your exam will be played through a CD player to the entire room
- You will practice recording and trouble-shooting with the DAC audio app in-class with your AP teacher prior to test day. As a backup for any unanticipated technology issues with the app, handheld digital recorders may be used instead.
- The recording part of your exam will be administered by playing audio prompts to the entire room through a CD player, while using the DAC Audio App to record yourself on a Chromebook. You will use your personal RSD Chromebook and it will have this app installed.
AP Courses with Portfolio Submission (AP Art)
- There is no exam for these courses.
- Please submit your digital work by 3:17 p.m. on the deadline date. This will give your AP Teacher time to approve and send on, and then the AP Coordinator will approve and make the final submission by the deadline of 7 p.m.
- AP Art
AP Scores AP Score Report Sending Info
- AP Scores are not mailed home or distributed at school. You will access your scores online (in early July) at the link above.
- You may also send your AP score report to a college through the link above. A fee may apply.
- OPTIONAL: AP offers students the option to send a copy of their AP Score Report (shows all AP exams taken in HS) to 1 college of their choice, free of charge. To make this request, visit apscore.org by June 20th. This is NOT required.
- If you are unable to access your AP Score account, and can't recover your username/password through the links on the site, you must contact AP Student Services at 1-888-225-5427 for assistance.
**Cancelling an AP Exam**
- A student may cancel their AP exam up until the test date
- To make a cancellation request, login to www.totalregistration.net and select the exam(s) you wish to cancel
- You will receive a partial refund. College Board charges a $40 cancellation fee per exam .