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Rockwood Summit High

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My Colleges

My Colleges

This tab is where you will select the colleges you want to apply to. There may also be supplemental questions for each specific college (i.e., what term you plan to start, test optional, etc.)

Recommenders and FERPA

FERPA Release Authorization

  1. Before you can complete this section, you need to complete the Common App through the Education section.
  2. It is recommended that you waive your right to see your recommendations. This shows confidence in your recommenders. Colleges may wonder why you have not waived your rights.

Invite Recommenders

  1. Counselor - You do not need to list a counselor but should see a notice that your Common App is connected to SchooLinks. 
  2. Teachers - Only list teachers if it is required.
    1. DO NOT enter an email for your teacher in the Common App as they will submit their recommendation through SchooLinks. All recommendations and transcripts will be sent in SchooLinks and can be tracked there.
    2. Teachers do NOT need to complete the PDF. This form is irrelevant and not necessary.
  3. Other Recommenders - If a college accepts this, you may supply a letter from a non-school person that knows you well (i.e., employer, flight instructor, clergy, club coach, etc.)
  4. Advisors - Only enter an advisor if you want to share your Common App with them to review.

Review and Submit

  1. Review a pdf and then click submit to pay the application fee (if applicable).
  2. Do this for EACH college/university.