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Rockwood Summit High

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Earn College Credit During High School

We encourage Rockwood Summit students to earn college credit in high school. 

Advanced Placement Courses  (AP)

  • Students enrolling in AP courses (AP designation is given on schedule), will have an opportunity to take an examination at the conclusion of the AP course to qualify for college credit.  AP exams are given each year in May, and students receive information regarding cost and registration through their teachers.  This exam is scored 1 through 5, 5 being the highest score available. 
  • The college or university that a student will choose to attend will evaluate each AP score individually to determine if a student can receive college credit.  Scores of 3, 4, or 5 can possibly qualify students for credit, although it is the student's responsibility to check with their prospective colleges to determine what score is needed!

Advanced Credit Courses  (ACP)

  • If you or your student are currently enrolled with UMSL for an ACP course, UMSL has created a special page on their website dedicated to answering questions students and parents might have during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Rockwood Summit offers 13 classes in which students can earn college credit through the University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL).
  • Juniors and seniors must have a 2.5 cumulative gpa
  • Sophomores must have a 3.0 cumulative gpa
  • Freshman must have a 3.0 cumulative gpa and score at or above the 90th percentile on the ACT or SAT.  
    • If a student meets the requirements, they will sign up for credit at the beginning of the course. Information will be distributed in the classroom and can be found on the UMSL Advanced Credit Program website page.
    • Register online through UMSL.
    • Tuition for UMSL ACP classes.
    • UMSL classes will not appear on the Rockwood Summit transcript. Students who enroll and pay for the UMSL credit will have an official college transcript from UMSL and must request their transcript for ACP college courses directly through UMSL.


Rockwood School District classes available for college credit through University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL):

RSHS Course Name

UMSL Course Name

Credit Hours

Algebra 3

MATH 1030 College Algebra


Introduction to ​College Writing

ENGL 1100 First-Year Writing


Introduction to College Literature

ENGL 1120 Introduction to Literature


Topics in College Literature

​ENGL 1950 Topics in Literature


French 3

FRENCH 1001 French Language & Culture I


French 4

FRENCH 1002 French Language & Culture II


AP French 5

FRENCH 2101 Foreign Lang. & Culture III


German 3

GERMAN 1001 Beginning Language & Culture German I


German 4

GERMAN 1002 Beginning Language & Culture German II


AP German 5

GERMAN 2101 Intermediate Language & Culture German III


Spanish 3

SPANISH 1001 Spanish Lang. & Culture I


Spanish 4

SPANISH 1002 Spanish Lang. & Culture II


AP Spanish 5

SPANISH 2101 Spanish Lang. & Culture III



Rockwood School District courses available for college credit through Missouri State University (Springfield):


RSHS Course Name

MSU Course Name

Credit Hours


ACC 201 Intro to Financial Accounting      



Dual-Enrollment Courses

  • Junior and Senior level students will have the opportunity to take classes for college credit at a local institution (St. Louis Community College) during their regular school day.  Students should meet with their school counselor for more information regarding requirements, classes available, and how to register, as well as determining if this is a viable option for them.

 Project Lead the Way

  • College credit opportunities are available for students taking courses through the engineering track at Rockwood Summit High School.  For specific information regarding requirements and how to qualify, students should contact Rockwood Summit Industrial Technology Instructor Mike Brown at


College Credit Resources