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Planning College Visits

Colleges Visiting Rockwood Summit

Representatives from colleges and technical schools as well as military recruiters visit our campus each fall and spring.  Students in 10th and 12th grades are allowed to sign up through Scoir to meet with these professionals.  

This year, meetings with admission reps will be held at school during Ac Lab sessions. Students may view all upcoming visits through their Scoir account. Registration is requested in advance through Scoir.

NOTE:  As a courtesy to our college reps, visits may be canceled at least 24 hours in advance if we do not have any students signed up. Students are asked to "unregister" through Scoir or notify Mrs. Collis in the Post High School Planning Office if they cannot attend a meeting they have already registered for.


Visiting College Campuses

The best way to decide if a school is a good match for you is to visit the campus!  You must contact the school in advance to schedule a visit.  You can register for a visit online or by calling the admission's office.  Before you call, have a few possible dates in mind for when you would like to visit.  Most visits are held Monday through Friday with very few being available on weekends.

TIP: Look for organized "visit days" sponsored by the colleges you are interested in.  These are a little less personalized but a lot of fun and will still give you a good "feel" for the campus and programs offered there.

Helpful Hints for your Campus Visit:

  • Wear comfortable shoes on your Campus Tour.
  • Pick up a student and local newspaper to check out current events on campus.
  • Stop to read the bulletin boards around campus to get a feel for student life and activities available.
  • Locate the Career Center, Tutoring Lab, Health Center, Disability Services or any other resources you may need as a future college student.
  • Eat in the dining hall to try out the campus dining options.
  • Visit more than once if you can't decide after the first visit!

The checklist below includes additional tips on how to make the most of your college visit including questions to ask your tour guides, professors you meet, and at the financial aid office.

Campus Visit Checklist


College Fairs and Virtual Tours

Another option if you are unable to travel to college campuses or want more information before making the trip, is to visit locally (or virtually) with admission reps at college fairs or through special local events sponsored by the admissions departments of colleges. Find some of these sessions on the event calendar found on our Calendar page. You may also find virtual tours on college websites or at The College Tour.