These are scholarships offered by organizations located in Fenton, MO.
SPONSOR: Olde Towne Fenton Daughters of the Revolution (OTF-DAR)
DUE DATE: 11/18/24 to Ivy Hartman
AMOUNT: Up to $500
ELIGIBILITY: High school senior possessing qualities of Dependability, Service, Leadership, and Patriotism. The applicant selected by their high school scholarship committee is then eligible to enter the DAR scholarship contest at the state level.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the link for more instructions on how to apply.
SPONSOR: Fenton Area Chamber of Commerce (FACC)
DUE DATE: Postmarked by 3/31/25
AMOUNT: Usually up to $1,500
ELIGIBILITY: Graduating high school senior planning to attend a 2- or 4-year college or tech/trade school. Applicant must also meet ONE of the following criteria: (a) resides in the 63026 zip code, or (b) parent or guardian in good standing who is either a FACC member or is employed by a FACC member business. All applicants will be eligible for a general scholarship but can also be considered for several category-specific scholarships.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Request a paper copy of your 7th semester transcript by 2/24/25 (after spring break) by emailing and You will receive an email notification when your transcript is ready for pick-up at our office. It must remain in the sealed envelope provided.
SPONSOR: Kiwanis Earl Collins Foundation, MO-AR District
DUE DATE: (to be mailed by RSHS before 1/31/25 application deadline)
AMOUNT: two $1500 awards
ELIGIBILITY: Must be applying for entrance to an accredited institution of higher learning. Application must be judged and endorsed by your local Kiwanis Club in the Missouri-Arkansas District. Financial need (income less than $150,00); minimum 3.3 GPA; service volunteer.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Students need to submit their applications to the RSHS Post High School office by 1/27/25. Our office will mail your application, recommendation letters, and other supporting documents for you. Recommenders should send their letters to