Honor Cords
Seniors must meet the designated criteria for each academic area to be eligible to receive an honor cord for that area. Students wishing to be considered must apply to the sponsoring academic area staff member immediately following the close of mid-semester grade reporting. No late forms will be accepted. There may be a small fee for each cord. Honor cords are distributed at Senior Awards Night.
Application forms will be available in March. Applications will be due to sponsoring academic area staff member (Department Chairperson) in April. Eligibility will be determined after mid-semester grade reports are distributed in March.
Honor Cord Requirements
1. Must have a minimum of five (5) semesters of visual arts classes. (AP Art Studio & Art History count as 2 semesters)
2. Must have an unweighted cumulative GPA of at least 3.75 in visual arts classes.
3. Must have completed at least one level II class
1. Must achieve at least a 3.75 GPA in business coursework
2. Must have completed four (4) semesters of business work.
3. Must receive department approval
Computer Science
1. A’s in all Computer Science coursework
2. Must have completed four (4) semesters of Computer Science
3. At least 2 semesters must be a weighted grade class
4. Must receive department approval.
Family & Consumer Science
1. All A’s in family and consumer science coursework
2. Must have completed four (4) semesters of family and consumer science coursework
3. Must receive department approval
Industrial Tech
1. Must achieve at least a non-weighted 4.0 GPA in industrial technology coursework
2. Must have completed four (4) semesters of industrial technology coursework
3. Must demonstrate good character traits and receive department approval
1. Must achieve an unweighted 3.5 GPA or higher in Journalism Production coursework
2. Must have completed four (4) semesters of Introduction to Journalism, Desktop Publishing, Newspaper Production, Yearbook Production and/or Radio Production
3. Must serve on staff both semesters of senior year
4. Earn 125 service/professional development points
5. Must receive department approval
Language Arts
1. Must achieve at least a 4.125 GPA in all language arts course work
2. Must have completed four (4) credits of language arts course work including completion of at least two weighted grade courses (one must be an AP Course)
3. Must receive department approval
1. High School Grades only (no C’s, even in weighted grade classes)
2. At least 1 AP level class and 1 additional WG class
3. Max of 2 Semester B’s only
4. Must receive department approval
1. Must achieve at least a 3.875 GPA in all Music coursework
2. Must have successfully participated in a high school performing group for each semester in grades 9-12
3. No unexcused absence from any music performance
4. Minimum 3 extracurricular performance activities
5. Must receive department approval
Physical Education
1. Must achieve at least a 4.0 GPA in physical education coursework
2. Must have completed six (6) semesters of physical education not including Health, Drivers Ed., and First Aid
3. Must receive department approval
1. Compete at least 6 semesters of coursework in the same course strand
2. Achieve A’s in all coursework within the department
3. Conflicts are resolved at the discretion of the department chair.
4. Demonstrate good character traits
1. Completed a minimum of 7 semesters of science in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
2. No more than 2 B’s (unweighted) in all science courses
3. Computer Science is not considered a science for the Science Honor Cord.
4. PLTW Biomedical Science is not considered a science for the Science Honor Cord.
3. Must receive department approval.
Social Studies
1. Complete a minimum of 8 semesters of Social Studies
2. Students must have taken and completed at least 2 AP Courses in Social Studies courses
3. Students must have earned a 4.0 GPA in all social studies courses
4. No C’s in any Social Studies course
5. Must receive department approval
Theater Arts
1. Must achieve at least a 4.0 in drama coursework
2. Must have completed one (2) credits of drama coursework
3. Must show evidence of achievement in the field of drama beyond coursework. This may include involvement in school productions, community/professional productions, Drama Club, and/or other theatrical training/work.
4. 10 ITS points
5. Must receive department approval.
World Languages
1. Must achieve at least a 4.01 Weighted GPA in world language course work in grades 9-12.
2. Must have completed 8 semesters of the same language in HS and/or successful completion of AP (Heritage Speakers should talk to their teacher). OR May complete ASL I and II in 9th and 10th grade and then 2 years of the same World Language in 11th and 12th grade.
3. No more than 2 B’s and no grade lower than a B.
4. Must have completed the Assessment of Performance Towards Proficiency (AAPPL) Test
Seal of Biliteracy
Department approval of English EOC proficiency and World Language assessment requirement met
Early College Partnership
Completion of the Early College Partnership Program (ECP)
Revised 11/7/2024